Upright Dynamic MRI Reveals Occult Disc Herniation

Max/ October 24, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

“This MRI unit is important in that it enables the medical imaging specialist to uncover significant occult disease that is not apparent on the recumbent MRI studies”

J. Randy Jinkins, MD, FACR, FEC

Clinical Case Overview 
A 37-year-old male with bilateral pain and tingling in hands exacerbated upon flexion of the cervical spine.

Case Study
The images shown below were acquired on the Fonar Stand-Up™ MRI. The sagittal image in Figure 1 was acquired with the patient in a conventional recumbent position; Figure 2 is of the same patient, but in a standing position during extension. The standing-extension image demonstrates marked stenosis of the central spinal canal resulting from posterior disc protrusions extending into the anterior aspect of the spinal canal and focal ligamentous infolding posteriorly. Note that the resulting compression of the underlying spinal cord is not evident on the recumbent scan. (Scanning parameters for sagittal scans: TR= 3000 msec; TE = 160 msec; ETL = 15; 4.0 mm slice; scan time: 2:55 min – recumbent, 3:19 min – standing extension.)

Upright Dynamic MRI Reveals Occult Disc Herniation Occult_frame6_200

Figure 1: Sagittal T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) image in recumbent position

Upright Dynamic MRI Reveals Occult Disc Herniation Occult_no3_cerv_sag_stex200

Figure 2: Sagittal T2-weighted FSE image in standing position during extension The gradient recalled echo T2*-weighted axial ima


Figure 3: Axial T2*-weighted gradient recalled echo (GRE) image of patient in a recumbent position


Figure 4: Axial T2*-weighted GRE image of patient in standing-extension

Fluctuating intervertebral disc herniation dependent upon patient position and dynamic physical maneuver.

Professor J. Randy Jinkins, MD, FACR, FEC 
Department of Radiology
Downstate Medical Center
State University of New York
450 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203

Clinical Studies performed at:
Melville MRI – Long Island

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