What Will Happen When I Get Scanned?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

A trained MR professional will help you into position on the scanner bed. This narrow bed slides directly into the scanner. Ask for a blanket if you are chilly. It may be necessary to place a special band or ring on the area to be scanned. This band or ring is actually a special antenna that enables the scanner to

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What does the MRI Scanning Center Staff Need To Know About Me Prior to the Scan?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Besides complete information about your medical history, your doctor and the MR staff must know if you have any metal in your body which cannot be removed including: • pacemakers • implanted insulin pumps • aneurysm clips • vascular coils and filters • heart valves • ear implants • surgical staples and wires • shrapnel • bone or joint replacements

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How do I Prepare for an MRI?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Preparing for an MR scan is very easy. You can take all your normal medications and follow usual eating schedules unless your doctor gives you special instructions. The only unusual preparation for an MR scan is that all removable metallic objects must be left outside the scanning room, including removable hearing aids, dentures and other prosthetic devices. Credit cards cannot

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Why do MRI Scans Take so Long?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Fortunately, the time required for a scan is becoming shorter and shorter and the multipositional scanner at the Vision Upright MRI Center is making them even shorter. The world’s very first whole-body scan in Dr. Damadian’s prototype machine took an exhausting four hours and 45 minutes. Most scans are now over in about 20 minutes, although it sometimes takes longer

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Why are MRIs So Noisy?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Many MRI machines are noisy, but the multipositional scanner at the Vision Upright MRI Center contains special features that greatly reduce the noise level. Not all MRIs are noisy but those that are noisy are noisy because of vibrating gradients, the adjunctive, non-uniform magnetic fields that enable the scanner to collect data from a particular cross-sectional plane. These gradient vibrations

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Why are Some MRIs Open and Some are Not?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

The highest field-strength scanners all use what are known as “superconducting” magnets. The reason such magnets are known as superconductors or “supercons” is that their magnets are comprised of miles and miles of special wire which, when immersed in a bath of liquid helium and initial connection to a power source, is capable of conducting electricity indefinitely, even when disconnected

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Are MRI Scanners Dangerous?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

For the vast majority of people, there is no danger associated with having an MRI scan. For those people whose anatomy contains one or more of the following items, however, it is important to be aware of the possibility that an MRI could cause serious injury or death. Besides complete information about your medical history, your doctor and the MR

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Why Did My Doctor Order an MRI

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Whenever your doctor requires top-quality anatomic portrayal, especially soft tissue, chances are that an MRI will be the modality of choice. Unfortunately, the decision to prescribe or not to prescribe an MRI will not always be made on the basis of diagnostic quality. Sometimes, in a well-meaning attempt to save money for the patient or the insurance company, a physician

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What is MRI?

Max/ October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Magnetic resonance imaging or scanning (MRI) is a method of looking inside the body without using surgery, harmful dyes or x-rays. The MR scanner uses magnetism and radio waves to produce remarkably clear pictures of the human anatomy. When you are referred by your physician for an MRI, he or she is utilizing the most advanced method of diagnostic imaging

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